The hardest announcement of my life

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I never thought this moment would ever come.

Indeed, especially this particular year, when it's our 20th year anniversary at Two Yellow Feet.

Maybe you already know, I've been really open about my health condition, the cancer metastasis I was fighting since last year.

Well, these past few days, unfortunately things got out of control. Within less than two months, a couple of new metastases came up. It's aggressive now. It was quick and secretive. Suddenly, I'm fighting on lots of severe frontiers.

According to the doctors, there's only one solution for me now: one specific "rescue" chemo, tomorrow. And the rest of the week will show whether my body will cooperate and show improvement. This will allow the doctors to carry on with further treatment. Otherwise, it's just a matter of time. A few months, they estimate.

I know doctors make mistakes and false judgments all the time. Thank God that's true! And, believe me, I'm praying for such a mistake. Along with a personal army of beloved people who pray for me too.

Yet, things are crucial and tough.


So, I never thought I would ever say this, but it's time I stopped working. At least, the way I used to work up until now.


We'll see what the future brings. For now, things have radically changed.

The only thing left now is a huge thank you. And an honest see you soon. You know, I believe it. It's impossible for me not to, anyway. So, I don't say goodbye, I'm saying we'll speak soon. For now, I'm making myself my #1 priority.

I wish to all of us courage. I wish us understanding. Forgiveness, Peace. I wish we stop connecting our outcomes to our efforts, so that we reduce our expectations and we can enjoy whatever comes. This way, the pain of resistance reduces. Hard, but still worth the try and hope.

Be well, love and care for your brand, it's your most important business tool.

Talk again soon.

With love,
– Mata

Mata Marinidou
Brand Clarity Wizard | Rebranding Consultant | Certified Brand Strategist
Founder & Principal

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